Trent DesChamps, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Child, Teen, & Adult therapy


About Me

Hi, I'm Dr. Trent! I love helping kids, teens, and adults build skills to improve psychological functioning and wellbeing. For more info about me, see my bio.

Education & Training

Professional Credentials

Therapy Services

In-person appointments: Monday - Wednesday 

Virtual (Telehealth) appointments: Monday - Thursday


Treatment Modalities

I tailor therapy to each individual client using treatments consistent with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) including:

I also specialize in behavioral parent training for a variety of child, adolescent, and family challenges such as externalizing behaviors and child/teen anxiety and OCD. 

I do not provide neuropsychological testing services, including formal diagnostic evaluations for ADHD and ASD.

Therapy Approach and Style

Personalized: The joy of my job is getting to know my clients and creating treatment plans that integrate their cultural identities, personal values, and individual interests. I value working with my clients in a holistic way to create sustainable change in their lives rather than merely treating a diagnosis. My "style" is marked by compassion, fun, humor, and a down-to-earth attitude. 

Specialized: I primarily specialize in treatment for anxiety and OCD among children, teens, and adults. However, I also provide evidence-based treatment for a variety of emotional and behavioral concerns (see specialties listed above). Because I value providing high-quality care within the scope of my expertise, I may not be the best fit for certain clients and conditions. I offer a free consultation appointment to help prospective clients determine if my practice is a good fit.  

Action-oriented: Less talk, more rock! Therapy involves talking, but healing strong negative emotions requires learning adaptive ways to respond to those emotions. I help clients practice behavioral responses that result in approaching challenging situations (instead of avoiding them) and I teach clients how to use flexible thinking skills to cope with those situations. For example, my clients are doing things such as systematically facing their fears to address anxiety or OCD (exposure therapy) and practicing ways to change thought patterns associated with worry or rumination (CBT). I typically assign weekly goals to help clients practice therapy skills in their daily lives.

Coordinated Care: When indicated, I coordinate care with other health providers such as primary doctors or psychiatrists for medication management. For child and teen clients, I coordinate with school staff as needed to help support clients with social-emotional and academic functioning at school. Additionally, for child (and sometimes teen) clients, I require caregiver involvement in the therapy process. Sometimes this involves separate meetings with caregivers in addition to, or instead of, individual child/teen sessions. 

Based in Science: As a trained research scientist and clinical practitioner, the care I provide is firmly rooted in evidence-based treatments and principles. I regularly review new research findings, participate in continual education trainings, and consult with colleagues to ensure that I am offering the best care available.