
I was born and raised in the pacific northwest and moved to Seattle in 2011 to finish college at the University of Washington (UW). In undergrad, I studied psychology and philosophy, and I contributed to research on social cognitive development in infants and young children.

Following undergrad, I worked in research labs at the UW investigating typical and atypical social cognitive development as well as neural differences among individuals with with rare genetic mutations associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). See here for my published research 

Influenced by the research I was contributing to, I became increasingly interested in pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology. I was accepted to the UW Clinical Psychology PhD Program in 2016 and subsequently received the National Science Foundation Research Fellowship, a prestigious grant that allowed me to focus more fully on my research and clinical training in grad school. 

My graduate research continued to focus on issues related to ASD, but I broadened my clinical training to become competent serving children, teens, and adults with a variety of mental health concerns, including specialized treatments for anxiety and OCD. I trained at many reputable clinics including Seattle Children's Hospital and the Evidence-Based Treatment Center's of Seattle. I completed a year of clinical residency at the University of California, San Diego and Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego. After receiving my PhD, I completed a yearlong training year at The Seattle Clinic and Brave Seattle Clinic. 

Professionally, my time is now fully invested in private practice and I love providing therapy and clinical care for my clients!

In my free time, I love spending time with family and friends, unplugging in the outdoors (hiking, biking, sailing, and surfing), and finding excuses to buy another plant for my house or garden.